Welcome to TechRadar’s PC Gaming Week 2022

2022 is almost over, but we’ve got just enough time left to squeeze in one of our favorite annual events: the TechRadar PC Gaming Week.

PC is still – for us, anyway – the single best place to play games. A vast breadth of titles ranging from giant triple-A games to obscure indie gems makes PC the definitive platform, whether you’re playing on a powerhouse rig or a clapped-out old laptop – or, if you’re lucky, Valve’s awesome Steam Deck handheld.

With some major releases in the graphics card and processor departments this year, PC gaming is in a strong place hardware-wise. What about the games themselves, though? We’ve been poring over all sorts of gaming-related pitches this year, and we’re pleased to bring in a wealth of fresh writing talent for your reading pleasure. Scroll on down to find all the PC Gaming Week 2022 articles – we’ll keep adding more as they’re published throughout the week, so check back in right here tomorrow!

Photo of me, Christian Guyton, in hospital for my stem cell harvesting.

(Image credit: Christian Guyton)

Cancer, COVID, card battles: how games saved my life