New PS Plus Extra and Premium Games for February 2023 File Sizes Revealed

The file sizes of new PS Plus Extra and Premium games are revealed, and it looks like gamers will need to clear up a ton of space.

The storage requirements of the new games coming to the Extra and Premium tiers of PlayStation Plus in February 2023 have been revealed. PS Plus Extra and Premium members get a bunch of new games every month, with users getting access to these games for as long as they are a part of the library.

Sony announced that some major titles are coming to PS Plus Extra and Premium in February 2023, confirming that Horizon Forbidden West, Scarlet Nexus, Tekken 7, The Legend of Dragoon, Borderlands 3, and more will be available to users in these tiers. It looks like fans wanting to play these games will have to clear some space, as the file sizes of the marquee titles are massive.


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Starting with Horizon Forbidden West, perhaps the most noteworthy game on this list, PlayStation Game Size confirms that fans will need 88.828 GB and 80.260 GB of space to install the PS5 and PS4 versions respectively. Gamers with the EU edition should note that it will require 99.303 GB on PS5, with the PS4 version of Horizon Forbidden West taking 90.970 GB.

Outriders also has a massive file size, as its PS4 edition takes up 102.662 GB of space, with the PS5 counterpart needing significantly less storage at 55.948 GB. Horror game The Quarry requires 64.493 GB and 45.477 GB on PS4 and PS5 respectively, with Ace Combat 7 taking up 45.977 GB. The PS5 version of Scarlet Nexus needs 17.598 GB of storage compared to 26.145 GB on PS4, while Tekken 7 requires 55.367 GB of space.

The trend of current-gen versions being smaller than their previous-gen counterparts continues with Borderlands 3, as PS Plus members will need to free up 63.017 GB and 52.735 GB for the PS4 and PS5 editions. Other notable games include Resident Evil 7 and Earth Defense Force 5, and gamers will require 25.926 GB for RE7 and around 18.8 GB for EDF5.

The rest of the PS Plus Extra and Premium lineup is relatively small, as I am Setsuna and Lost Sphear take up 1.599 GB and 4.899 GB respectively, with Oninaki requiring 4.792 GB. Both versions of The Forgotten City will need around 11 to 12 GB of space, and PS Plus Premium members will have to free up 24.5 GB to install Destroy All Humans! Overall, it looks like PS Plus members in these higher tiers will have to clear up a ton of space to download the new games for February 2023.

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